INCOTERM regulates the rights and obligations between the Seller and the Buyer in the delivery of goods.
They were developed by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and first published in 1936. INCOTERMS are amended every 10 years.

  • Where, how and when the Seller should fulfil their delivery obligation
  • Where, how and when the risk of loss or damage of goods transfers from the Seller to the Buyer
  • Where, how and when goods-related costs are transferred from the Seller to the Buyer i.e. the costs of the Seller that are included in the contract price
  • What the obligations of the parties and the breakdown of costs between them are during customs formalities and the obtaining of import and export licences
  • Who enters into a transport contract and insurance contract of goods and who bears the costs thereof
  • Who, when and what kind of notifications are given to the other party
  • Who bears inspection and supervision costs
  • How the goods should be packaged and marked
  • What the obligations of the parties are for mutual assistance and who bears the respective costs

INCOTERMS does not regulate

  • Transfer of ownership
  • Currency and financial terms and conditions, procedure for calculations
  • Sanctions and the liability of the parties regarding failure to fulfil their obligations
  • The procedure for making claims
  • Settling disputes and jurisdiction
  • Implementing legislation, etc.
GroupTermExplanationTransfer of ownershipType of
Group E
Departure term
EXWEx Works (...named place)The Buyer assumes the risk starting from entry to the Seller’s premisesAll types of transport
Group F
Main transport not paid by the Seller
FCAFree Carrier (...named place)The Buyer assumes the risk starting from the moment of delivering the goods to the carrier chosen by the BuyerAll types of transport
FASFree Alongside Ship (...named loading port)The Buyer assumes the risk starting from the moment of delivering the goods to the carrier chosen by the BuyerSea or inland waterway transport only
FOBFree On Board (...named loading port)The Buyer assumes the risk starting from the moment of delivering the goods to the carrier chosen by the BuyerSea or inland waterway transport only
Group C
Main transport paid by the Seller
CFRCost and Freight (...named port of destination)The Buyer assumes the risk as of the delivery/loading of the goods to the carrier chosen by the SellerSea or inland waterway transport only
CIFCost, Insurance and Freight (...named port of destination)The Buyer assumes the risk as of the delivery/loading of the goods to the carrier chosen by the Seller
Sea or inland waterway transport only
CPTCarriage Paid To (...named place of destination)The Buyer assumes the risk as of the delivery/loading of the goods to the carrier chosen by the SellerAll types of transport
CIPCarriage and Insurance Paid To (...named place of destination)The Buyer assumes the risk as of the delivery/loading of the goods to the carrier chosen by the SellerAll types of transport
Group D
Delivery terms
DATDelivered at Terminal (...named place)The Seller assumes the risk until the delivery of the goods in the named place chosen by the Buyer by the carrier chosen by the SellerAll types of transport
DAPDelivered at Place (...named place of destination)The Seller assumes the risk until the delivery of the goods in the named place chosen by the Buyer by the carrier chosen by the SellerAll types of transport
DDPDelivered Duty Paid (...named place of destination)The Seller assumes the risk until the delivery of the goods in the named place chosen by the Buyer by the carrier chosen by the SellerAll types of transport